This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Managing Open and Reproducible Computational Projects: Glossary

Key Points

Introduction to this course
  • This material is developed for mid-career and senior researchers in biomedical and biosciences fields.

  • This training aims to build a shared understanding and facilitate the integration of computational reproducibility in data science.

Better and faster research !
  • motivations

Setting up a computational project
  • Shared repository with well structured and organised files are crucial for starting a project

  • Documentation is as important as data and code to understand the different aspects of the project and communicate about the research.

  • Licencing and open science practices allow proper use and reuse of all research objects, hence should be applied in computational research from the start.

Research Data Management
  • Good research data management practices esures findability of your research data.

  • Storing, regular backing-up and archiving prevents data loss.

  • Sharing all types of research data transparently makes them easier to understand and reuse by others.

  • Gives fair recognition to people generating, handling and using data, and further stimulates collaboration with others.

Version Control and Open Science Practices
  • Version controlled repository help record different contributions and contributor information openly.

  • Open Science is an umbrella term that involve different practices for research in the context of different research objects.

  • Online Persistent Identifiers or Digital Object Identifiers are useful for releasing and citing different versions of research objects.

Method selection
  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

Data analysis and results
  • First key point. Brief Answers to questions. (FIXME)

Implementing tools and methods
  • Make group leaders familiar with practices that are crucial for their teams to develop reproducible code.

  • Encourage researchers to think about code reproducibility through quality check, testing, sharing their code as well as a research environment.

  • Introduce Continuous Integration for automating the testing process.

Code Review
  • There are many benefits of code review and this should be implemented and practised in research team culture as early and as frequently as possible.

  • Synchronous code review creates opportunities for researchers to get feedback and learn from others in real-time.

  • Asynchronous code review is a good practice when working with busy researchers or collaborators in different time zones.

Publication and release
  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)
